Silo performance on Touch Radio


Stanier Black-Five’s performance at Silo 6 at the Audio Foundation’s Now! Here! Festival in Auckland has  been released on the Touch label’s online arm, Touch Radio.

This performance in one New Zealand’s most reverberant spaces, harnesses the amazing acoustic properties of a complex of six disused cement silos on Auckland’s waterfront. After making a series of initial field recordings within the silos, Stanier Black-Five then re-introduced these into the same space as the source material for this powerful live work.

Rising Tides Festival

Stanier Black-Five will be making a special outdoor performance as part of the Rising Tides Festival in Wellington on Thursday 8th December. More information about the festival can be found at:

UK/European tour


Stanier Black-Five is touring with Malcolm Riddoch in Europe: September 2012, with the following dates:

Ljubljana 14.09.12: Earzoom Festival – Body Waves
London 17.09.12: noise=noise – Global Resonances
London 18.09.12: ABA @ Goldsmiths University – Body Waves

Ljubljana 14.09.12 Earzoom Festival @ International Computer Music Conference –
Body Waves
Body Waves is a live infrasonic performance whose primary sound source in this exploration of vibroacoustic perception are the unique recordings made by Stanier Black-Five at the epicentre of the recent earthquakes in New Zealand, which capture the vibrations of its massive aftershocks, collapsing buildings and subsequent demolitions. These are transformed by Riddoch to accentuate lower frequency harmonics in a spatial work spatialised through a quadraphonic set-up to immerse its audience/participants in this visceral music of the body.

London 17.09.12 noise=noise –
“Global Resonances”
Australasian sound/noise artists Stanier Black-Five (NZ) and Malcolm Riddoch (Aus) will be collaborating on a live work in three parts using both the natural acoustic resonance of the space in which they perform and that of a location on the other side of the world. Stanier Black-Five will start proceedings using field recordings made in disused cement silos in Auckland, NZ that harness their amazing natural reverb. Riddoch will then enhance this reverberant soundscape using live feedback techniques exploring the resonant frequencies of the soundscape within the performance space. Finally the feedback residue will play out within the space itself. From Auckland to a synthesis of Auckland-London to London acoustic spaces, Global Resonances traverses space-time through electroacoustic noise.

London 18.09.12 ABA @ Goldsmiths University, New Cross – Body Waves –

Oenosthesia: sound and wine


Oenosthesia is a multi-sensory installation exploring the synergies between sound and taste. The work was created during a Suone dal Confine artist residency in Irpinia, Italy in July 2012 from field recordings made by Stanier Black-Five within the region’s wineries and vineyards. Their different frequencies and timbres were designed to interact with selected local wines served at specific times during its performance. The installation was premiered at Interferenze’s Farm 2012 Festival in Tufo    

Here Stanier Black-Five talks about the concept during the installation’s creation.

Listen to Oenosthesia on Soundcloud. For the full multisensory experience, suggestions of wines to accompany its three sections are:


00:00 A mature Greco di Tufo or similar mid-weight white wine with some richness eg Chardonnay
06:00 A youthful Greco di Tufo, spumante/sparkling or comparable minerally high acid white eg Riesling
12:00 Requires a full bodied red, such as Taurasi or a Cabernet Sauvignon/blend

Silo performance at the Here! Now! Festival


Performing at the Now! Here! Festival on Sunday August 12th, Stanier Black-Five will be harnessing the amazing acoustics of the cement silos of Auckland’s Silo Park. In this performance, she will be building a soundscape using earlier recordings made at the site, re-introduced into the space with its phenomenal reverb.

August 10 – 12 2012
Tune into outrageous dimensions of audible activity!
Audio Foundation is very excited and proud to present the Now! Here! Festival  – a three-day celebration with New Zealand / Aotearoa’s inventive and accomplished sound artists and musicians championing the experimental and avant-garde in all its multitudinous, intriguing and unpredictable forms.
Now! Here! Festival features a range of emerging and established sound artists who contributed to Erewhon Calling, a new publication surveying the vital experimental music scene in NZ to be launched on the opening night.
Legendary and internationally regarded artists such as trailblazing noise-rockers The Dead C, Coolies and Bad Statistics, experimental electronic figureheads Rosy Parlane, Omit and Rachel Shearer, exponents of adventurous improvisation Jeff Henderson and Peter Stapleton, innovative guitar expansionists Greg Malcolm and Bruce Russell; and such liminal talents as Sean Kerr, Stanier Black Five and Mr Sterile Assembly – plus many more visionary NZ artists over three days and nights will provide a rare treat for adventurous listeners!
Alongside the many performances will be Children’s workshops, Mongolian vocal classes, Sound Walks, Discussions, a live Cinema Event in collaboration with Film Archive and free daytime performances in the unique echo chambers of the Silo space in Wynyard Quarter

Contact for more information