Oenosthesia: sound and wine


Oenosthesia is a multi-sensory installation exploring the synergies between sound and taste. The work was created during a Suone dal Confine artist residency in Irpinia, Italy in July 2012 from field recordings made by Stanier Black-Five within the region’s wineries and vineyards. Their different frequencies and timbres were designed to interact with selected local wines served at specific times during its performance. The installation was premiered at Interferenze’s Farm 2012 Festival in Tufo    

Here Stanier Black-Five talks about the concept during the installation’s creation.

Listen to Oenosthesia on Soundcloud. For the full multisensory experience, suggestions of wines to accompany its three sections are:


00:00 A mature Greco di Tufo or similar mid-weight white wine with some richness eg Chardonnay
06:00 A youthful Greco di Tufo, spumante/sparkling or comparable minerally high acid white eg Riesling
12:00 Requires a full bodied red, such as Taurasi or a Cabernet Sauvignon/blend

Chimera, Wellington, NZ


Sascha Perfect's Chimera -photo by Carrie Alford

Sascha Perfect’s Chimera -photo by Carrie Alford

Stanier Black-Five’s music featured in Sascha Perfect’s dance work, Chimera – premiered at The Body Festival in Christchurch (2010) and performed again at the Whitirea Theatre in Wellington.



Body Waves in Slovenia

Stanier Black-Five and Malcolm RiddochBody Waves, an infrasonic quadraphonic earthquake performance, has been accepted for the International Computer Music Conference 2012 to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia 9-15 September.

Composer: Stanier Black-Five and Dr Malcolm Riddoch
Title: Body Waves
Year: 2012
Instrumentation: Electroacoustic 4 channel playback
Duration: 30 mins
Program Note:
A live infrasonic performance whose sounds go beyond the auditory system to be felt in the body. The primary sound source in this exploration of vibroacoustic perception are the unique recordings made by Stanier Black-Five at the epicentre of the recent earthquakes in New Zealand, which capture the vibrations of its massive aftershocks, collapsing buildings and subsequent demolitions. These are transformed by Riddoch to accentuate the lower frequency harmonics of the performance space to immerse its audience/participants in a dynamically visceral music of the body.
Photograph by Motoko Kikkawa

Body Waves performance, Spectrum Project Space, 18/05/2012

Live @ Sabbatical 11.3.12

Sabbatical Festival, KIPL, Melbourne, Australia [2012]
Quadraphonic travelogue piece