Seeking red wine consumers for sound and wine study

Wine & Sound logoWe are looking for participants to take part in a new study on how sound might affect the perception of wine characters. No specialised wine knowledge or experience is required. This study forms part of the student researcher, Jo Burzynska’s PhD.

Study name: The effect of sound on the perception of wine characters
Ethics (HREC) Approval: H-2018-270

If you participate, you will be given red wines to taste and music to listen to and asked to respond to questions that relate to these experiences. The experiment is a single session that should take around 45 minutes. Participants will be entered into a draw with a one in three chance of winning wine on the day of the session. 

The experiment will be conducted at 2pm and 6pm on 30th & 31st July, 1st, 2nd, 5th & 6th August, at the Wine Innovation Central Building 29 (WIC) level 4, at Waite Campus (corner Hartley Grove and Paratoo Road, 5064 Urrbrae). Click here for a map.

NB – We have added some new sessions at 4pm on 2nd, 5th & 6th August

Important: To take part you must be:

·       Over 18 years of age

·       Comfortable with consuming a small amount of alcohol (spitoons provided)

·       Do not suffer or have suffered from any taste, olfactory or auditory dysfunction

·       Do not have any allergies related to red wine consumption, sulphur dioxide or yeast

·       Do not have any past or present alcohol dependency issues

·       Not pregnant

·       Not taking any medication that could interact with alcohol

Participation in any research study is voluntary. If you do not want to take part, you do not have to and your participation, non-participation or withdrawal will not impact your relationship with any of the researchers or institutions involved in this study.

If you would like to participate, please complete the pre-study screening questionnaire at this link, which also provides more detailed participant information about the study:

At the end of this questionnaire, you will be provided with the following doodle link through which to book your session, also included here: Please note that you need to complete the SurveyMonkey questionnaire before making your booking. If you want to book a new 4pm slot, please contact Jo Burzynska via the contact form below to book after you have finished the SurveyMonkey questionnaire.

If you know anyone who might also be interested in participating, please feel free to forward them this invitation. If you have any questions, please contact Jo Burzynska via the contact form below. If you would like my email and phone number for reference, please contact me through this form as well and I will send these to you.

One thought on “Seeking red wine consumers for sound and wine study

  1. Hello Jo Burzynska

    Your membership in the Kresy Siberia Facebook group has been approved and your introduction posted. In respecting your wish for privacy on Facebook can you please reply with your contact details/info to me at the email I provided.

    Welcome aboard
    PS apologies for using your blog, its been difficult to contact you.

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