A review of Stanier Black-Five’s Oenosthesia II performance at the Lines of Flight 2015 Festival by Dr Jonathan Marshall appears in the April/May edition of Realtime Arts magazine.
A review of Stanier Black-Five’s Oenosthesia II performance at the Lines of Flight 2015 Festival by Dr Jonathan Marshall appears in the April/May edition of Realtime Arts magazine.
Stanier Black-Five performed Oenosthesia II at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery as part of the Lines of Flight Festival 2015.
This was a development of the Oenosthesia project that started at an artist residency in Irpinia, Italy and was the first time Stanier Black-Five had created a wine soundscape live around the flavours and textures of three different wines: in this instance a sparkling wine, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir from Quartz Reef.
A review of the festival by Dr Jonathan Marshall, which includes Stanier Black-Five’s performance, appeared in Resonate.